Sunday, 17 July 2016

Class Pass

This week, I signed up to Class Pass. Class Pass allows you to access fitness classes at participating studios in London. (It also allows you to take classes in major cities in the US, Canada and Australia, and I imagine  that, as Class Pass expands as a business, more countries will join - a bonus if you travel much.) 

The types of studios that participate in this scheme are numerous and varied, but the reason I like it because it allows you to access some high end studios at a lower price (including 1 Rebel, which I recently blogged about). It's also a great way to find out about studios and classes you might not have tried before. It's super easy to find and book classes via the mobile app.

There are two type of packages:

1. Basic - costs £55 per month and allows you to take 5 class per month.

2. Flexible - costs £110 per month and allows you to take an unlimited number of classes a month.

My understanding is that the subscription can be cancelled anytime, although I have not tested how easy this is (I do know that to reactivate the subscription having cancelled it cost £79; temporary suspension of the account cost £19 per month). The only limitation I am aware of is that you can only access two (three with the flex package) classes per studio. If a studio has several locations they count as the same studio. But with hundreds of participating studios I don't see that as being a problem at the moment.

I have signed up to the basic package for now, as its summer and there is always the option of going running in the park for free, so I don't see myself doing more than 5 classes per month. I will keep you updated as I continue to trial this and let you know about any great studios or classes I discover. Let me know if you have any questions. If you've already tried class pass let me know what you think. If you want to give it a try this link gives you a £30 discount (but please note for the sake of full disclosure: if you sign up with this link, I also get a £30 discount).

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